
IMPORTANT change of tender numbers

Click Your Van has grown in customers on the platform.
This has given suppliers a challenge in keeping track of tenders for different customers.
Until now, there have been several customers who, for example, had a tender called 200001-V01.

To help all suppliers, Click Your Van has updated all tender numbers.
The changes have been made as follows:
1) All tender numbers are prefixed with “<Customer ID>-“
2) All tenders are reduced so that they start from 1 – instead of 200001

For example, 200001-V01 could be called “1-1-V01” with one customer… but ’35-1-V01′ with another customer.

Henceforth, all tender numbers will therefore be unique across all customers.

We hope that the renaming does not cause too many problems for the existing cases.

Remember that if you have a number called, for example, 201432-V1… you just have to subtract 200000 when you search – and instead search for 1432-V1… and you will find the case anyway.
In the same way, a closed case ‘1-1267-V01’ can certainly be found with a leasing company under 201267-V01

So there is a clear connection between old and new numbers – and now we are future-proofed!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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