
Update regarding among other things, price changes

This update is aimed at both customers and suppliers, and especially has a few new options for leasing companies.

Supplier adding products to offer in ‘Order’

A supplier can now add new products to an offer that is already in ‘Order’. This is to enable assistance if a customer has forgotten a product.

The supplier starts by adding a product

And after the addition, the product has now been inserted with ‘customer prod. status’ as ‘Opportunity’.

As can also be seen above, a task is also created for the customer, who is thus informed that a decision must be made on the proposed product.

HINT: The supplier has the option to immediately set ‘live. prod. status’ to ‘Approved’. That way you can save “a round trip”, where the customer must first set ‘customer product status’ to ‘In tender’ and the supplier must then ‘Approved’ before the customer can finally place ‘Order’ on the product.

By putting in ‘Approved’ immediately – the customer can change ‘customer prod. status’ to ‘Order’ immediately.

The customer is informed about a new product option

A new task is now created for the customer, which can be seen in the task list:

The customer removes the task – by deciding on the proposal.

Suppliers can now also lower the price in ‘Order’

It is now possible for suppliers to lower the price of a product – even if the tender has the status ‘Order’. In the case of complex constructions, it can easily be that the total price will be less than first estimated.

The customer is not informed of the price reduction, as it is assumed that every customer will be satisfied with lower prices.

The leasing company is informed of price changes

In the event of price changes on a product where a tender is in ‘Order’, the associated leasing company will in future receive a task so that they can take the necessary measures in connection with the changes to the order.

The task does not disappear automatically – but must be marked ‘Handled’ manually. Note that the supplier and the new price are also visible directly on the task.

The leasing company can see the total prices per supplier

The update yesterday was so well received that it immediately spawned a new request from a leasing company. Click Your Van chose to implement it today as it was very easy to get done.

From now on, a leasing company can see the total amounts distributed per supplier. (That way they can more easily reconcile invoices)

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